The newest tech in body sculpting has landed at Pure Lux Medspa in Edina Minnesota: SculpSure. The 25-minute laser treatment disrupts and destroys fat cells, which are then flushed out through the lymphatic system, resulting in a permanent reduction of fat in the treated areas. It takes a third of the time of CoolSculpting and involves less risk. “It’s clinically proven, with minimal downtime,” says owner, aesthetician and certified laser technician Vanessa Brooks. “In fact, you can resume all normal activity afterwards.” 

It’s not a weight-loss method. Rather, the non-surgical treatment “can help define the body you work hard to achieve,” she says. Pockets of fat resistant to diet and exercise — the stomach, thighs, the dreaded bra roll, and the unwanted muffin top — are common targets. 

Individual plans are customized for clients, who typically receive two treatments per area for optimal results. Complete results take six to eight weeks to show. Brooks also pairs a SculpSure treatment with a light workout or a session in her infrared sauna to get the system jump-started. 

And, she says, she’s seen undeniable results: up to 24-percent fat reduction in a treatment area. “That’s pretty dramatic,” she says. “Think about that belly bulge that falls over your jeans when you button your pants — that’s completely pulled back. The fat just dissolves. Clients tell me, ‘I can get back into that little black dress.” 


Copy of The newest tech in body sculpting has landed at Pure Lux Medspa in Edina, MN_ SculpSure. THe 25 minute laser treatment disrupts and destroys fat cells, which are then flushed through the lymphatic system, res.png